This is quite a celebration…
I have noticed that in fact this is my 100th post to “Living in Jozi” and I thought I would just take a short moment to celebrate that fact.
It has been quite a journey, these last 100 posts, from when I started on the 12th June this year – contemplating my boxes in my room in London, (eventually even giving them names!)
Then blogging from Heathrow at some ungodly hour of the morning, waiting for my plane to Amsterdam and then Johannesburg.
My arrival and the adventures and misadventures – getting myself a drivers licence, a new car, settling into a new job and finding myself a girlfriend – now my fiancé.
Along the way I have contemplated the Cost of living comparison using a blog that Paul Chambers had posted on Homecoming Revolution as a template (thanks Paul!)
I have met new friends who have left comments – and that is so rewarding. You know, all these posts would just be meaningless ramblings (OK – most are meaningless ramblings!) but without people leaving comments and participating, this would be no fun at all, and I may as well just take up graffiti painting!
And so, on to the next 100 posts then – and beyond. But thank you for reading these first 100 – I do hope they have brought you some level of enjoyment!
Well, I'm new to your blog, but happy 100th post to you! It's quite a blogging milestone.
Happy 100th! I, for one enjoy your blog! May we be fellow bloggers for another 1000 0000 posts! Cheers!
Thanks so much for visiting and for your good wishes - I am pleased that you enjoy my blog, and I hope that continues!
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