Yes, the lovely lass that for the last while has carried the title, "girlfriend", has said "Yes" and Ulricha and I are officially engaged!
And so begins a road of excitement and terror and stomach turning nervousness as we start preparing for our wedding, which will be some time late next year. We have some ideas for a venue, and for a time, but we will still plan these things. We have already been looking around at wedding dresses, and I think Ulricha has just about every wedding website on the Internet bookmarked on her laptop.
It is an exciting time, a nervous time, and as the eventual date slowly creeps closer, those feelings will be magnified many times over.
For now, it is just exciting and warming to be engaged, and we are enjoying that feeling and that status to the maximum!
wow - congratulations!!! I'll buy a hat! ;-)
Have LOTS of babies!!
Beautiful ring too!
Kirsty Weaver
Hey guys!
Congrats! We are thrilled for both of you!
The Prestons
We are thrilled to hear your wonderful news.
The Ascott-Evans
That is a beautiful ring - one lucky lady!!
ALL the way from London
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