Having endured some really torrid weather in Cape Town last weekend, and seen the Eastern Cape get lashed on Monday and Tuesday, it was wonderful to end the week with some really beautiful weather in Johannesburg. The mervury climbed steadily throughout the week, and eventually today we have a temperature of very close to 30 degrees - and that's just the start of Spring!
But it really is a beautiful time of year.
On Friday I was away from the office early in the morning and enjoyed a cup of coffee at a coffee shop local to my office - but outside, in the morning air. There were small finches all around us, tweeting and chatting as they enjoyed some seed specifically left out for them. The whole scene somehow made the office seem much further away.
It's that time of year when I am looking around and seeing all kinds of beauty in nature - and even in the inanimate. The statue at the top of this piece is in Ulricha's parents garden, and just looked so stoic on Friday when I took the picture.
This really is just the beginning of Spring, but it promises to be quite some Spring, and seemingly a very warm Summer.
But we do need the rain - oh how we need the rain!

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