Today, Sunday, has been spent catching up with family and friends whom I haven’t seen for a while, and of course introducing them to Ulricha.
My good friend, Eishman, contacted me early this morning and invited us both out to a Winter Music concert being held at the Kirstenbosch Gardens restaurant, where Louise Carver was going to be performing over dinner.

Louise Carver is a young South African song writer and singer who broke into the South African market in the early 1990’s. I particularly remember her as I was working on air at UCT Radio (at Cape Town University) and still to this day have the promotional CD single of her very first song released in South Africa. So it was with some degree of excitement that we joined Eishman and his wife this evening.
And what a concert – what a performer!
Louise is very proud to be South African, and was very pleased to be back in Cape town, performing in front of her home audience. The venue was small and intimate, and the acoustic set she performed was well suited. The evening in fact was simply brilliant.

Not only did she perform her own hits, but she also had a selection of songs by other artists, including Bright Blue, the Eurythmics, and our personal favourite, a fantastic arrangement of Jonny Cleggs’s Spirit of the great Heart.
All in all it was a superb evening, and I would highly recommend the Winter Concert series to anyone who has the opportunity to attend.
Thanks Louise for a wonderful evening.
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