But then I found one amazing fact, which I never knew before – despite having lived 28 years in South Africa.
South African trains run on a gauge known as “Cape Gauge” which is 3ft 6in wide. (1,065mm) I had always assumed that South Africa operated Standard Gauge (4ft 8¼in – 1,435mm).
Standard gauge is used throughout Europe, and was the original gauge that George Stephenson used when he developed Rocket.
Cape Gauge is used through Southern and Central Africa, as well as Japan and New Zealand, amongst others
I was amazed at this fact, and that the Gautrain is being built on bogeys that are standard gauge – seemingly the first and only train to use this gauge in South Africa.
The Gautrain website indicates that
"the wider gauge [Standard Gauge] is the predominant gauge used world wide and will allow the Gautrain higher speeds at high levels of comfort and safety. It also allows access to modern state of the art technology at the lowest cost"
So if Standard Gauge is faster, more comfortable, safer and cheaper – why have we waited SO long to use it – why are we using Cape Gauge?
I guess, like so many other difficult questions, the answer is simply COST.
I actual fact the very 1st railways built starting from Cape Town were indeed built to the Stephenson's standard gauge of 4'8.5" or its metric equivalent of 1435 mm.
However, later extensions from the first sections into the interior were built to narrow gauge for expediency of saving money and quick construction. Cecil Rodes had a lot to with it in order to build the Cape to Cairo route.
There is on Wikipedia a picture of the plinthed 1st S.African locomotive in the councourse of Cape Town station.
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